Category Archives: Federal Tort Claims Act

Explaining The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)
When a person’s negligence causes you injury, you have the option of filing suit against them in civil court. If the federal government causes you injury, you will have little recourse in most situations. However, the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) allows individuals to file suit against the federal government in very specific situations… Read More »

An Overview Of The Federal Tort Claims Act
The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) is a law passed in 1946 that allows private parties who are injured by a person acting on behalf of the United States (that is, federal workers) to file suit against the U.S. and the relevant agency. The reason this law is important is that historically, the average… Read More »

How Does The Federal Tort Claims Act Work?
If you recently suffered an injury in a slip and fall accident, in a car crash, or as a result of medical negligence, you may be looking into your options for filing a personal injury lawsuit in Birmingham. It is important to know that, in some cases, your personal injury might require you to… Read More »